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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

29+5 Weeks - RIBS RIBS RIBS

All i can say is OUCH!!! I have been awake pretty much the whole of this week with really bad rib pain through the night. It is sooo depressing, nothing seems to help to get me comfortable, and i am trying so hard not to take paracetamol on a regular basis, but today a friend told me i have to help myself, so i am going to start to take it every 6 hours in the hope i can get some rest bite from the pain :( I wish i wish i wish i could sleep - this will no doubt be my mantra for the next few years, but my gosh, how i wish i could just sleep like a baby for one night, just one night!!!
The pregnancy itself is oging well touch wood! My pelvic pain has almost completely settled, and the physio has signed me off her books, unless i need to contact her! I have to say it is such a releif to not be struggling day to day to walk. Now my waddle is down to weight not pain!
Bump is growing well, i had a scare about a month ago where i was measuring about 3.5 weeks ahead, but at my last Midwife appt i was back on track and measuring only 1 week ahead which is okey dokey! My diabetes test came back negative which i was sooooo happy about. Having PCOS i expected to have the diabetes so thumbs up body!
Found my first baby stretch mark last week right on my tummy near my belly button :( Whilst i don't mind really, i was kinda sad that this purple red mark had appeared and that more will come. But on the same token, they mean such an amazing thing that I would never wish hem away - weird i know!
DH is still determined not to molly coddle me, and i kinda wish he would sometimes. I get tired kinda quick nowadays and he hasn't even cooked for me since i got pregnant! A bit of TLC would go a long way at the moment :(
Sooo the big news is that our landlord issued us with a notice of eviction as he wants to turn our 3 bed house to a 4 to rent to students :( He gave us 2 months to get out which was when baby was due, so we had to negotiate a further 6 motnhs but at a higher rent which sucks totally. We were going to be here for at least another 2 years, and i so wanted to decorate babies nursery - but for now we will make do. Searching for a new place has been so hard as we have a dog and no landlord will take one :( Stress we don't need just now. I guess that's also played a big part in my sleepless nights.
So for now all is ok ish!!!
Love to all