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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

25+5 weeks!

Well we have been away for a week in sunny yet chilly Devon, and we did ALOT of walking, which to be honest hasn't done my pelvis any good at all "sigh". I seem to be getting bony pain right down in my crotch now which is what i had right at the start of the pelvic dysfunction... I'm kinda hoping this is part baby growing and that my body will get used to it. Physio again next week, so i guess she will tell me more.

Bump is growing happily and very wiggly. I would describe her movements  as "clunky" now, not the pretty flutterings you get earlier on! She is still quite random in movements and has stopped the bed time wriggling which is a relief! Now she tends to wake up around 8pm and wiggles a fair bit in the mornings around 9am, and always when i eat or drink anything yummy!

Slowly stocking up on baby goods, but ebay hasn't blessed us with decent second hand furniture yet! Took a look at some last week that was supposed to be immaculate to find big chunks out of the feet when we got there on the cot! Grrrr. Looking at another set this Friday, then i think i will give it 4 weeks to find something, before we have to rethink what we want, as i need to wash a tonne of baby clothes we have been given and put them away asap!

Had a few bad headaches while we were away which sucked, but other than that i have the odd bit of acid reflux now and again and that's it!! I think i can feel my fibroid stretching sometime which is like a quick stabbing pain, but will check that with MW when i see her this week.  Oh oh oh i think my boobs are starting to leak a little (when encouraged by me) clear this too early for milk?

No stretch marks yet, still watching my old ones start to shine a little more (from growing not from pregnancy), but i am expecting to get some pretty soon :(

Hope you are all happy and healthy