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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

34+6 weeks - yaaawwwwwn

Wow its been a while and it would be fair to say i have been pre occupied.

Baby brain has kicked in and with just 2 weeks left at work, my time is spent tying up loose ends and prepping everyone for my going away and proceedures etc. I am oober forgetful and oober tired :)

Health wise i seem to be ok, tested neg for gestational diabetes some time ago now, but a urine infection i  was diagnosed today with also spotted some sugars so i have to have a fasting test again.

Baby was head down at last check and i can certainly feel her burrowing in, my pelvis has started to give way a little again which is quite painful especially at night time. Stretchies have come on my tummy over the last couple months which i kinda expected, but wished and hope they wouldnt lol! But lots of moisturiser helps with the itchyness and soreness - i wasnt expecting them to get sore but guess it figures.

Baby seems to be measuring ok, but doctor today said baby was "sizeable" even though bump measures  in line with dates - eerrrk!!! Bump certainly feels all baby!!

She is moving but not as much as when she was littler (obviously), i kinda miss the flutters and somersaults.
Mentally i still dont think i can believe that i will be a mummy in just a few short weeks!!!

Its been a stressful last tri due to landlord wanting us out asap so he can convert our house to a 4 bed for more money, DH isnt sure what hours he will have come June at work due to changes there and what with my money now reducing due to mat leave, baby will be a welcome guest to perk up our spirits!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

29+5 Weeks - RIBS RIBS RIBS

All i can say is OUCH!!! I have been awake pretty much the whole of this week with really bad rib pain through the night. It is sooo depressing, nothing seems to help to get me comfortable, and i am trying so hard not to take paracetamol on a regular basis, but today a friend told me i have to help myself, so i am going to start to take it every 6 hours in the hope i can get some rest bite from the pain :( I wish i wish i wish i could sleep - this will no doubt be my mantra for the next few years, but my gosh, how i wish i could just sleep like a baby for one night, just one night!!!
The pregnancy itself is oging well touch wood! My pelvic pain has almost completely settled, and the physio has signed me off her books, unless i need to contact her! I have to say it is such a releif to not be struggling day to day to walk. Now my waddle is down to weight not pain!
Bump is growing well, i had a scare about a month ago where i was measuring about 3.5 weeks ahead, but at my last Midwife appt i was back on track and measuring only 1 week ahead which is okey dokey! My diabetes test came back negative which i was sooooo happy about. Having PCOS i expected to have the diabetes so thumbs up body!
Found my first baby stretch mark last week right on my tummy near my belly button :( Whilst i don't mind really, i was kinda sad that this purple red mark had appeared and that more will come. But on the same token, they mean such an amazing thing that I would never wish hem away - weird i know!
DH is still determined not to molly coddle me, and i kinda wish he would sometimes. I get tired kinda quick nowadays and he hasn't even cooked for me since i got pregnant! A bit of TLC would go a long way at the moment :(
Sooo the big news is that our landlord issued us with a notice of eviction as he wants to turn our 3 bed house to a 4 to rent to students :( He gave us 2 months to get out which was when baby was due, so we had to negotiate a further 6 motnhs but at a higher rent which sucks totally. We were going to be here for at least another 2 years, and i so wanted to decorate babies nursery - but for now we will make do. Searching for a new place has been so hard as we have a dog and no landlord will take one :( Stress we don't need just now. I guess that's also played a big part in my sleepless nights.
So for now all is ok ish!!!
Love to all

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

25+5 weeks!

Well we have been away for a week in sunny yet chilly Devon, and we did ALOT of walking, which to be honest hasn't done my pelvis any good at all "sigh". I seem to be getting bony pain right down in my crotch now which is what i had right at the start of the pelvic dysfunction... I'm kinda hoping this is part baby growing and that my body will get used to it. Physio again next week, so i guess she will tell me more.

Bump is growing happily and very wiggly. I would describe her movements  as "clunky" now, not the pretty flutterings you get earlier on! She is still quite random in movements and has stopped the bed time wriggling which is a relief! Now she tends to wake up around 8pm and wiggles a fair bit in the mornings around 9am, and always when i eat or drink anything yummy!

Slowly stocking up on baby goods, but ebay hasn't blessed us with decent second hand furniture yet! Took a look at some last week that was supposed to be immaculate to find big chunks out of the feet when we got there on the cot! Grrrr. Looking at another set this Friday, then i think i will give it 4 weeks to find something, before we have to rethink what we want, as i need to wash a tonne of baby clothes we have been given and put them away asap!

Had a few bad headaches while we were away which sucked, but other than that i have the odd bit of acid reflux now and again and that's it!! I think i can feel my fibroid stretching sometime which is like a quick stabbing pain, but will check that with MW when i see her this week.  Oh oh oh i think my boobs are starting to leak a little (when encouraged by me) clear this too early for milk?

No stretch marks yet, still watching my old ones start to shine a little more (from growing not from pregnancy), but i am expecting to get some pretty soon :(

Hope you are all happy and healthy


Monday, 14 February 2011

22.5 weeks! Happy Valentines day!

Well bump is definitely the word! I have started to expand and actually look pregnant this last couple of weeks which has been nice! Its really strange feeling your body tighten around this little being!!
Touch wood the stretch marks haven't appeared YET!!! But i do have old ones from growing and weight gain/loss that are definitely starting to feel a bit deeper  :/ I am slapping on the cream though, every morning and it sits on my skin all day, so i hope that is helping somewhat...
My ribs have been painful at times at night time, particularly on my right hand side. I have read up on this and it seems alot of ladies get it so i am not too worried and a good stretch seems to help.
My appetite is increasing the last couple of weeks too! This frightens me a little as i don't want to put on tonnes of weight..i had gained 10lbs by 20 weeks, and i haven't been brave enough to weigh again since!
Baby goes through periods of good movement and days of quiet. Drinking sweet or cold things is a good tip tough to check she's still there!! Teee hee!
Sleep has been improving a little and pee trips are prob down to 2 or 3 a night now, depending on how late i drink!
Oranges and ice pops are my thing at the moment, although the last couple days i have had a need to eat a little chocolate (1 small bar over 2 days lol) - i am so scared of getting out of control weight wise!
My face is a bit spotty at the moment in the chin area, which was classic before i was pregnant and is a little depressing!
My usual complaints have all but gone, my pelvis is still painful at times but the physio did wonders and i am due to see her again this week so hopefully all will be well for the next few weeks!
Thinking of everyone who is near the end of their pregnancies!!! Its exciting reading up on you all - best of luck!
We have been given 5 massive bags of girls baby clothes that will see her through til about 18 months old!!! We may have to buy a few new things, but we are grateful for the help!! Now we really need to think about furniture for her room to put all her things into!!! We had so many nappy vouchers from various shops that we are quite stocked up on those too!
Love and hugs
FH x

Thursday, 27 January 2011

20 weeks today!!! Scan tomorrow! Contractions :(

Ok so i was looking forward to the milestone that is 20 weeks, until last Saturday i found myself with 24 hours of contractions, painfull 4-6 minutes contractions!!! I called the maternity unit who didnt want to know unless i was referred over tot hem, so i had to go to A and E who basically told me that as there was no bleeding i should go home.... i was so pissed that they can send a woman home with PAINFUL REGULAR CONTRACTIONS!!! What annoyed me more is that the maternity unit would not give me any advice!! My midwife eventually called me on TUESDAY after all this had happened and said they wouldnt do anything to stop labour/contractions this early on - this saddened me some what but i guessi can understand why... i just dont rate the lack of "care" you get in this country.

Anyway the ocntractions passed come Sunday but i was so physically and emotionally exhausted by it all, i had to just sleep....i didnt feel the baby for a whole 24 hours which petrified me, but i had no one to call who gave a damn!! By Monday i began to feel kicks again which was such a big releif.

Weirdly thrugh all the my pelvis pain eased off totally, but its now back again with avengence! I have my physio appt at 8am on Monday morning, and i hope they are kind to me and dont man handle me too much!

My acid reflux has eased alot this week too which has been a nice change!!

Other than that i am still quite tired, but i think its down to A- me tossing and turning til i eventually drop off, and B - DH not being able to sleep come the early hours so getting up at silly times like 5am....grrrrr. All good practice for very little sleep i guess.

I am excited and nervous for the scan tomorrow and i am just hoping that all is going to be ok.... i will report back.

Stay hopeful peeps!


Monday, 17 January 2011

18.5 weeks, thats like almost half way!

I cant believe that i am almost half way!! Little ones movement are more noticeable now, but they seem to be quite sporadic. A couple weeks ago i could time when he/she would be more active, but at the moment theres no pattern...
I do notice that my bump goes hard at some times during the day, and i have put this down to baby moving towards the front.... that said, i have had a UTI and that gave me some "tightenings" but i dont think it is that that i am feeling now.
UTI has been a nightmare, the doctors go crazy when you are pregnant with a UTI! I have peed in at least 4 pots in the last 2 weeks for testing, and been to the docs 2 times for results... the last one seemed ok, but the receptionist called today to tell me to collect some more penicillin even though i Saw the doc 2 days ago and all was ok?!?! I booked in to see doc instead on Thursday, as i think there is some confusion and i don't want to take pills if i dont need to, i certainly dont feel UTI ish.... that said i am peeing alot at night still - anyone else do this anyway while pregnant??
I am still in non maternity clothes, although i cant do my trousers up so had to buy a "belly belt" pack and a belly cover thingy to help keep things covered! Maternity trousers are huge and have massive stretchy bump covers that i just dont need right now!
Bump isnt really that big either, so i am looking forward to the 20 wk scan to check all is ok etc!! I have promised myself i will relax a bit after this scan and start to enjoy this pregnancy!!
I have called the physios regarding my pubic pain and am waiting for an appt, but we keep missing each others calls which sucks :(

Boobs are continuing to grow ever bigger! Rest assured should i fall off a boat i will float!!!

Tiredness seems to be the name of the day still, and i find the afternoons are worse (i could do with a doze now), but i find it hard to sleep at night OR to lay in which is very frustrating...

Anyways, i must get on here more often i am a bad blogger!!!!


p.s acid..... burping....acid :~(